General Statement
As a leading subsidiary of Bunzl PLC, Workwear Express Ltd is not just a sizeable contributor to the industry; we are also a robust advocate for occupational health and safety. Our commitment extends to creating and sustaining a work environment that prioritises the well-being of all our employees, contractors, and visitors. To facilitate this, we have implemented comprehensive procedures and systems in alignment with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, as well as other applicable legal and regulatory guidelines.
Our goal is to not merely comply with the law but to set new benchmarks for occupational health and safety. This aspiration is anchored by our occupational health and safety management system, modelled after the ISO45001:2018 standard. It includes the regular establishment and review of occupational health and safety objectives aimed at the prevention of injury and ill health.
We are steadfast in our commitment to provide:
A safe system of work, backed by well-maintained plant and equipment.
Safe methodologies for handling, transporting articles, substances, and people.
Thorough training, clear instructions, timely information, and vigilant supervision.
Safe and secure work premises with unhindered access and egress.
A congenial work environment complemented by adequate welfare facilities.
Communication and Participation
Continuous communication and active participation from employees at all hierarchical levels are pivotal to the efficacy of our health and safety initiatives. We, therefore, encourage:
Open channels of communication for workers across the organization.
A proactive approach to fulfilling legal and other requirements.
Prioritising the hierarchy of controls to health and safety risks.
A strong focus on the prevention of occupational ill health and injury.
Individual Responsibilities
While we strive to assure collective safety, each employee and contractor bears the responsibility of caring for their own well-being and that of others. Should a task appear hazardous or unfamiliar, it is imperative to report such instances to the Director responsible for Safety.
Reporting and Monitoring
It is mandatory for any work-related injuries, irrespective of severity, to be documented. We maintain accident books in both the workshop and administrative office for this purpose. These records are integral for ongoing policy evaluation and will be reviewed quarterly to ensure a continual cycle of safety improvement.
Policy Review
Our Health and Safety Policy is subject to regular scrutiny to affirm its continuing suitability and effectiveness.
To view our full bunzl health and safety policy, click here.
Chief Executive Officer
Workwear Express Ltd
6 September 2023